作者是一位受过传统文化和新民主主义思想教育和影响的知识分子。年轻时追求进步,积极参加抗日救亡活动。他1938年去延安抗日军政大学学习, 后历任安塞县委秘书,《边区群众报》编辑,新华社派西北战场前线记者,1949年9月奉命去青海创办了《青海日报》并任社长、总编,文革前后在青海省委和陕西省委担任不同职务。
作者一生写了大量通讯文章、回忆录、散文、诗歌和杂文, 写作是他生命的一部分。
上述文集,大部分由作者原始手稿整理编辑而成。他的传统诗和现代诗,用词精 炼、形象;他的散文、杂文和回忆文章亲切自然,文字优美幽默,有光有热,有意境,字里行间富含智慧和哲理,读之耐人寻味。午人先生以他诚挚的爱心,敏锐的记者的笔锋和深邃的思想,把他所亲历的那些瞬间发生的平凡和不平凡的人和事如画般留在了人间。这些, 如作者所说,"像零散的生活矿石,含有冶炼提取的价值。"
About the Author
Mr. Wu Ren (18 January 1916 - 12 July 1997) was born in Pucheng, Shanxi China. His former name is Wu Daocheng. His scholarly name is Zun Yi, pen name is Shang Wu.
The author came from a scholarly and farming family. He was an intellectual in the Chinese traditional culture and a man of new democratic ideas. When Japan invaded China, he actively participated in the national Anti-Japanese movement. In 1938, he went to Yan'an and studied at the Yan'an Anti-Japanese University. Thereafter, he successively served as secretary for Ansai County and editor for the Masses Daily in the Border Regions. In 1947, he was sent to the Northwest battlefield as a front-line journalist. In September 1949, he was sent to Xining to set up the Qinghai Daily and served as president and Editor-in-chief. Before and after the Cultural Revolution he worked in various capacities in Qinghai and Shanxi provincial governments.
During his lifetime he wrote a large amount of correspondence articles, memoirs, poems and essays. Writing was his life.
Between June 1947 and end May 1948, when Wu Ren served as a front-line journalist on the Northwest battlefield, in addition to his field reports to the media, he wrote a diary which recorded his daily experiences. This has been edited in the book "An Army Reporter's Journal from the Battlefield".
After retirement, together with Tian Fang and Fang Meng as editor-in-chief, he co-edited the book "The Yan'an Reporters", a collection of articles by more than seventy journalists who worked in the Yan'an period before 1949.
His other writings are about his family, the events he experienced and the people he met and worked with before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China; the different political movements that ensued, including the Anti-Rightist, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution and the modernization of China. These writings which compiled into books and published are: " An Army Reporter's Journal from the Battlefield", "Cherished Memories", "Sketches of Streets and Lanes", "Faith and Dedication" and "Slow Awakening".
Wu Ren's Works, Part Six "Practicing in Calligraphy" and Part Seven "A Collection of Wu Ren's Letters" are in the process of being edited.
Most of Wu Ren's works are edited from his manuscripts. His writing, which includes his traditional and modern poems, makes use of refined language and vivid descriptions. The stories of ordinary and extraordinary people, their deeds, thoughts, courage and their good fortune and misfortune, as well as his own life experiences are, in his words, "like scattered living ore containing value worth extracting and smelting."
Wu Ren's works are of precious documentary and historical value. In addition to making excellent reading material, they are also of use as reference works for a certain period in Chinese historical, sociological and political studies, as well as being examples of journalistic and literary writing.
General Preface
English translation after the Chinese Text
Wu Ren's Works, Part One
An Army Reporter's Journal
During the period May 30 1947 to May 29 1948, Wu Ren served as a military journalist on the front-line of the Northwest battlefield during the Chinese Civil War. In addition to his field reports to the media, he wrote this diary which recorded his daily experiences on the battlefield. His journal keeps the historic events alive and provides an unique eye-witness account of a battle which changed the course of Chinese history.
Wu Ren's Works, Part Two
Cherished Memories
This volume contains Wu Ren's memoirs, notes and poems about his loved ones, who lived through the late Qing Dynasty, the Public of China and also through the People's Republic of China and the Four Modernizations in China, spanning more than a century.
His writing is affectionate, graceful and touching. The people described and the events which took place against these different backcloths are closely related to Chinese social development and change. It gives a perspective of a period in China's history.
Wu Ren's Works, Part Three
Sketches of Streets and Lanes
This volume is a compilation of the author's documentary stories and anecdotes of the local life at different stages of development in Qinghai and Shanxi China. They are written in different styles including his personal observations, newspaper articles, random notes, reflections, musings and poems. His writings are full of cordiality, wit and humor.
午人文集四 《信念篇》
此集收录了作者从青年到中国十二大所走过的部分人生经历。作者恪守新闻道 德,坚持记者实事求是真实报道新闻的原则,著述了大量文章和回忆录: 延安时期大生产运动中的故事;作者步入新闻职业生涯的经历;建国初期创办省报的经历与经验;对大跃进时期违反科学冒进的思考;十一届三中全会和十二大后人们重新奋起建设国家现代化的信心,以及对文化大革命的思索。
Wu Ren's Works, Part Four
Faith and Dedication
Wu Ren's Works, Part Four gathers his published articles and recollections of parts of his life experiences from his youth to the Chinese Twelfth National Congress.
The author abided by journalistic ethics and adhered to the principles of journalists, interpreting the facts truthfully and accurately reporting news. He wrote a large number of articles and memoirs on stories of the "big tide of production movement"; his career in journalism; his experiences in founding a provincial newspaper; his thoughts on the Great Leap Forward; the confidence that people gained in China's Modernizations after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee and the Twelfth National Congress; and his thoughts on the Cultural Revolution.
这是午人先生记录的他十年浩劫的经历片断;生死劫难后的心路历程;和他离休前的报告与感想。这本书是作者,一个老记者、老新闻工作者,用他庄严锋利的笔,敏锐的洞察力和坦荡开阔的胸襟写下的又一份纪实报告,也是大劫之后,作者对中国各大变局阶段 "十分错综复杂" 的政治生活的审视和反思。
Wu Ren's Works, Part Five
Slow Awakening
In this book, Mr. Wu Ren recalls fragments of his life during the Cultural Revolution; the journey of his heart following experiences with life and death; and his reports and thoughts as he reached retirement age. It is another documentary report, written by him, as an experienced reporter and journalist, with his solemn and incisive pen, keen insights, profound thoughts, sincere feelings and broad-minded approach.
It is also the author's earnest and deep reflections on the unexpected "very intricate" stages in China's political happenings.
Wu Ren's Works, Part Six
Poems and Calligraphy
with Heartfelt Love
This volume contains Mr. Wu Ren's poems and calligraphy which the editor has been able to collected so far. To provide a better understanding of Wu Ren, the editor has also appended a small number of selected poems, calligraphy and paintings by Wu Ren's elders, relatives and friends.
Additional information book 1
Additional information book 2
Additional information book 3
Additional information book 4
Additional information book 5
Unexpected Upheaval In Qinghai
Additional information book 6
Prologue Chinese and English
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